Look For The Avatars

We’ve often heard the phrase “look for the helpers” from Fred Rogers. I’ve seen this simple bit of advice deconstructed, believe it or not, but instead of adding one, I’d like to add a recent, similar lesson. Look for the Avatars.

Recently I’d been contemplating the divine, as I’m prone to do. As stated previously, I believe there is something to the idea of gods, that there are great powers out there. We “connect” with these great powers and patterns with creative ideas – stories, rituals, and so forth. Art is kind of the bridge (which I need to write about more).

However, there are times my divine contemplations do feel rarefied. There’s those powerful experiences of the divine, those presences that make you realize something is there. At times I wish I had more of them, that personal experience, though I am rather abstract by nature.

A few days later, I was at an amazing exhibit about the amazing Amos Kennedy Junior, an engraver and artist. In his decades of work he’s spoken to issues of racsim, abuse, bigotry, and more with powerful and impactful text and designs. Maps with block text about the oppression of people. Pithy statements on simple posters. He’s a master of many things, but all of them get into your head.

There was something about his work that was deep and powerful. It wasn’t just art, or protest, or history. It was divine in its truth.

On my way back from the gallery, these words came to my lips: This man is an avatar of Thoth.

Thoth, god of writing and magic, of science and art. . The husband or father of Seshat, lady of libraries and archives (and thus I consider her goddess of bookstores). Thoth is the power of words, and Kennedy’s words and text had power.

That’s when I realized that there, in the museum, I had a religious experience. I got to experience the power of writing and words, artistically arranged, a kind of magic, spun by a master of writing and creativity. He embodied Thoth, the principles of Thoth, he had power.

I had a religious experience there, contemplating this engraver. Something powerful. Something unexpected. Something which taught me a valuable lesson.

Look for the Avatars.

If you want to see the divine in the world, look for embodiments of it. They’re all around you. They’re in art studios and making your coffee, composing music and making videos about food. They’re everywhere. There are people who embody the very thing you’re seeking if you give yourself space to see it.

We can argue what gods “really” are, we can argue minutae and we can try to grasp the ungraspable that-which-is. But the power of those things behind the world, the great principles, are there right now. Look for them in your fellow people.


The Capitalist Messiah Machine

I’ve heard many people say “Capitalism ends in fascism,” but let me put in my thought – Capitalism seems to create messiahs.  Inevitably.

Lately in 2025 it seems Capitalism is filled with messiahs.  It used to be you’d get a few here and there, but now we’re awash in them and their annoying products, videos, and podcasts.  People who will save us from ourselves, who will usher in the singularity, or take us intergalactic or whatever.  It seems late-stage Capitalism produces an embarrassment of messiahs, and all of them are embarrassing.

This got me thinking.  Because Capitalism in popular imagination is often portrayed as hard-edged, about bargains, and money, and economic growth and so on.  When it’s not, it usually involves drugs (usually cocaine) and sex (when on cocaine), and excess (thanks 80’s movies).  If there was philosophy it was pseudo-Nietzsche/Ayan Rand stuff at best.  If people were Capitalists out to reshape the world they were usually villains fighting James Bond or Superman.

I think these pop culture ideas may have shielded us from the messiah Machine that is Capitalism.

Capitalism allows people to accumulate power in the form of wealth, influence, and public regard.  Capitalism has no restraints, so some people are going to get a lot of wealth and power, which lets them do whatever they want.  Most of them use that to get more wealth and power, since they’re competing with each other and you don’t want anyone to get the drop on you.

Capitalists also don’t face a lot of repercussions as they have money, power, and the backing of our culture.  When’s the last time you’ve seen someone whos rich face repercussions for their actions, even when you hear of horrific accusations of scamming, child abuse, and worse?  Exactly.  It’s easy to get used to that, and start thinking of yourself as invulnerable – and even get used to it.

Lots of power.  No repercussions.  It becomes easy to think you’re special, maybe even a messiah.

But you’re also totally abstract from human experience as one of our hyper-capitalists.  You live in a soft world where cause and effect isn’t what it is for everyone else.  Your world is a world of numbers and marketing, and nothing else. You’re just a suit of flesh around a bank account and a stock portfolio.  How easy is it to spin some messiah story to give your life meaning?

It’s probably much easier when your life is devoid of cause and effect, of meaning, so you come up with a story to make yourself special and not just a money meat suit.

Some Capitalists may not fall into such traps, but messianism is also a useful shield.  People catch on that some idiot who got a huge inheritance is still just an idiot, but an idiot deciding how large chunks of the world run.  Claiming messianism is a great way to protect yourself from people who are starting to realize you didn’t earn anything and figure you shouldn’t have it.

You might even believe you’re a messiah after awhile.  And in the isolation.  And probably the drugs.

In retrospect, Capitalism seems to be a kind of messiah machine.  Sure it may have taken awhile to get to our current state of multiple messianic money morons, but boy have we done it in spades the last ten to twenty years.  We’ve also got a lot of would-be Capitalist Messiahs with their video channels and other grifts.

It’s probably both the concentration of money and power and the media.  We’ve got powerful people with influence over the media, a media filled with bootlickers, and the chance of parasocial relationships.  That’s been a powerful force letting people find someone to worship, inviting both the manipulative and the deluded to indulge.

Capitalism leads to fascism, sure.  But it also leads to messiahs and those are a pretty integral ingredient to fascism.


Preserving the Legacy

The world is in chaos. Politics is reality show. As I write this forest fires are burning up parts of LA while a deep freeze grips the US south. Climate change is changing pretty rapidly. I fully expect humanity to survive, and in centuries, prosper again. It’s just going to be rough and cruel.

One thing I’m doing is preserving philosophical and religious books to people that I know will be interested in them, that will preserve them, and give them away to reliable folks if needed. In the disasters that are here and ones that may come, these things that guided me may guide others. It’s a chance to leave something to help those in the future, and in a personal way.

I sit here and know the world isn’t ending but parts of it are, and many ways of life will. I ask what matters to me, what taught me, and what will help others. I ask who I can trust and who will care. I ask a lot of questions right now about a world I will one day not be in.

It’s a humbling experience. I am looking at books asking what helped me become who I am, wanting to pass it to people who aren’t me and knowing I won’t be there. I feel myself stretched forward in time, asking what’s next. I have to think about what will help someone unknown grow, what preserves what is good today.

It’s an enlightening experience. I have a large library but have to ask what truly mattered to me and will matter to others. I can see a pattern, a timeline of what books helped me grow, and it helps me understand myself. I can ask what will help others.

It’s also an experience I want to share. I recommend you do this if you have some specific holy books – or any books – to preserve. It makes you think, appreciate what you have, who you are, and who you can trust. It’s a way to think of the future.

So here, as we face a lot of challenges, take a moment to save what matters to you spiritually. Leave something for those to come. Maybe it’ll help shape the future into a better way just like it shaped you.
