The Insecurity of Politics and Religion

As I write this America is awash in discussions of politics and religion. It is my sincere hope that when you read this you know I mean “in the past,” if you get my drift. It’s certainly not being written when it’s the past if you get my additional drift.

There’s an insecurity about religion in politics, at least in America. You can feel it as preaching politicians try to convince you they’re somehow divinely guided. You hear it in their voices and see it in their actions – a mix of unsure and too sure. Insecure confidence, where you wonder which side of the state came first.

So as I am prone to think about such things, I’ve begun to speculate as to why some of these religionists who supposedly have great faith are so insecure. Also the bastards keep wanting to tell me and mine what to do with our lives.

First,think that’s because when you mix religion and politics, you end up having to deal with politics. You have to deal with power blocks and publicity, bureaucracy and laws that are there no matter what you believe or want to believe. Or say you believe. Religion has to deal with politics (even if, say, religion predated politics) as soon as it gets involved.

It’s talk Divine Truth when you’re really thinking in voting blocks and power blocks. The very sphere you want to move your religion to – and inflict your religion with – challenges it.

Politics also has to deal with reality, no matter how often it avoids it. Politics, as many of us are aware, is already awash in insecurity. People have to explain why they should be elected, or stay in power, or be listened to. When challenged they may have to explain themselves – or crack down which means people just lie to them out of self-preservation. Either way if you’re not facing reality, someone is lying.

Bring religion into politics and religion also has to collide with reality – even if some religious folk are real good at dodging that reality. This all means that when you bring your religion into politics, it’s being challenged constantly, and a lot of religious folks don’t deal well with that. A lot of politicians aren’t so hot at it either, so you get a kind of double-punch of self doubt and insecurity.

I think those trying to mix religion and politics in America are facing constant challenges, and often respond with made up confidence and bravado. Confidence of course is easily challenged, leading, of course, to more insecurity. It’s no surprise you end up with plenty of supposedly spiritual people acting like dictators – even if they didn’t start that way.

(Though for my money, most of them do start that way, they just get worse.)

Now these thoughts apply to current America and it’s revelatory/monotheistic dominant religion and our media landscape. In an age of television preachers, cable TV, and social media everything is in our faces constantly. You can select your own reality, but also have it challenged if you step outside of your media bubble. If you’ve ever seen some host of, say, an extremely political news show try to desperately spin reality you know what I mean.

I suppose at some point it’d be interesting to explore religion and politics in areas non-Christian (and indeed non-Abrahamic) religions. Though obviously you know where my concerns lie . . .

They Don’t Believe, But They Believe

Honestly, do the various grifters, fake gurus, and political pundits believe their own shit? That’s a question I hear a lot in the spheres I run in. Perhaps it says something about the time – or humanity – if we have to ask, “does this libertarian selling crystal shorts that protect your genitals from 5G believe what he’s selling?”

However, I don’t think the issue is one that always has a yes or no answer. The question is what do these grifters believe themselves and what do they want you to believe?

Let’s take a look at some of the bizarre magical/supernatural/New Age practices that set off our bullshit detectors. You know the ones, where someone has “discovered new energy centers via a Lunar download” or provides an insanely complex map of colored rays that connect you to aliens. The stuff that looks wrong in part because it’s described in just the right way to get attention.

Sure it may be a load of holy horse crap, but what happens to people taking these practices seriously? Does it just occupy their minds with crap – so they can be sold more crap? Does it drive dependency on the guru or make your mind mushy? Any of us with some mystical experience know certain practices can really mess you up.

The metaphysical grifters may not believe in their practice. But they do believe it will affect you and it may not be in a way that’s good for you – but it’s good for their bottom line.

The same can be said for political grifters and opportunists who clearly are selling people policies that make believer’s lives worse. People who complain about taxes will vote for politicians who cut taxes on the far more wealthy while raising those of the complainers. Politicians will blame someone of another skin color for drug problems created by giant pharmaceutical companies. It’s very obvious – and it keeps working.

What the grifters sell you works but for them to get power and money. They don’t necessarily believe it but it’s a tool.

And behind all that? Well the grifters and opportunists and gurus may have actual beliefs. I suspect they’re also way more disturbing than many want to admit.

Look at the mystical would-be Space Shamans and Cosmic Love grifters. They’re making bank selling you all sorts of made-up stuff, usually by re-purposing what others do. But how much metaphysical malarkey do they believe? Perhaps they really do think all those controlled souls empower them or that they’re in contact with ancient gods – they just don’t want to spill the goods to their victims.

The political grifters? Well it’s often clear they believe something but they don’t want to admit it. Many a grifter has a barely-disguised philosophy of some kind, though it’s usually “how do I get more power.” They usually have some kind of plan, so something is clearly in their heads..

(For some reason it seems these political types believe more than the New Rage guru types, which is probably worth it’s own exploration.)

Next time you see someone selling Cosmic Witch Ray Charts, Crystal 5G Negating Shoes, or The Solution To Your Money Problems By Electing me don’t ask “do they believe or not.” Ask what they really believe and what they want others to believe.

The two probably don’t line up, but belief is there. Figuring out what is important to understanding them – and dealing with the crap they foisted upon us.

(Shout out to Nonsense Bazaar ( for being the core inspiration for this post.)

– Xenofact

The Separation of Religion and Being An A-Hole

Something I’ve seen said for a while is “if someone argues their religion should be public policy, there’s no reason to debate if they’re actually right about their religion if you’re not part of it.”  Why would you debate theology with someone whose theology you don’t share?  Saying “but your ideas really don’t live up to your religion” ignores the fact that their attempts to claim divine mandate don’t matter as you don’t believe as they do.

I’d like to discuss this for a bit as I believe there is a time to debate someone’s religion when they want to force it on you. It’s just, shall we say, more optional and personal.

So let us say someone argues that their religion should be the law of the land or the basis for laws, and you are not part of their religion.  You also realize their religious interpretation is, shall we say, theologically unsound to a critical degree.  Should you argue with them?

No.  Simply put, you’re not part of their religion so you have no reason to listen to them.  If they want to create public policy, they have to argue values that are more universal and inclusive.  If they can’t, that’s their own damn problem.

Even if you were part of their religion, there’s no reason for them to go force their religion on others.  You don’t have to be an a-hole like them, after all.

So, you can safely ignore these hopeful theocrats without debate.  If they wish to press the issue, then you have someone who, let us put not too fine a point on it, wants to use the power of the state to compel religious belief.  You can safely assume that under the right circumstances, they’d be ready to get very violent toward you and others and should be safe accordingly (or mock them when safe).

However, I would argue that there is a reason to argue theology with such people, albeit an optional one.  It’s a good way to make a point if you think it may help that person.

If one of these aspiring theocrats continues to annoy you and you decide to prove they don’t know their religion, do so.  Challenge them to justify their ideas, and feel free to pick them apart.  Then, after showing their lack of knowledge of their own faith, you can note something.

You have shown that not only are they theocrats, they don’t know what the hell they’re saying.  They not only are aspiring theocrats, but they have also proven you have no reason to trust them on anything.  If they can’t get their religion right, which is supposedly so important to them, how can you trust them on anything else?  Not only do they want to use the power of the state on you, but this person also clearly can’t be trusted on anything as they’re a hypocrite.

Yes, you’re probably being a bit of an a-hole yourself, but in a good way.  Maybe, just maybe you’ll get them to think.

But I don’t think you’re obligated.

– Xenofact