The Gurus That Hate You

We’re up to our armpits in faux gurus, and a lot of them are selling bullshit.

There are spiritual gurus ready to resell you “religion”  from a culture they have no knowledge of combined with internet memes.  There are political gurus running for office so they can sell you anger in exchange for ruining your country.  Don’t worry if none of the big names are your thing, there’s many opportunists trying to make it big that will sell you what you think you need.

When I hear about the latest guru who turns out to be some twisted a-hole, I wonder what they feel for their followers.  They’re hurting them mentally, financially, and physically – what is going on in their heads?

Looking back on religious and political history, I’ve honestly come to the conclusion a lot of gurus hate their followers.

Examining any of these current or past twisted philosophers and leaders, they inflict a lot of pain on people they supposedly care about.  It doesn’t take much to discover hideous abuse, high-demand control, financial exploitation, and mental assault.  You can’t do this to people you really care about.

A lot of gurus are also transparent as hell.  As I follow news on various gurus, so I know who’s trying to destroy the planet this year, it’s obvious they’re bullshitting.  Watching them re-spin their cosmologies and politics, completely sure they’ll be listened to is telling.  They’re happy just making crap up, and you also don’t do that to people you care about – it shows you know they won’t call you on it.

So why do they hate their followers?  I think there are a few reasons for this.

First, some gurus are just hateful awful people in this for the power.  People shouldn’t be surprised if a bunch of scumbags get into the guru gig; it’s profitable and gives you control.  It attracts nasty people if you’re not very careful – and a lot of people in religion and politics aren’t careful.

Secondly, I think some gurus are very insecure.  I mean you’re busy pitching the same thing everyone else is, and at any moment your previous bullcrap is going to be discovered.  You get brittle, sensitive, insecure, and this can make you mean and angry.  I mean you’re in the spotlight, being watched all the time which probably means you’re going to be just a bit angry all the time.

Finally, I think a lot of gurus look down on their followers or end up looking down on them.  Some people develop contempt for people that obey or listen to them.  The more people obey them, the more they seem them as weak and contemptible, and the more they pile on.  There’s a bully mentality here that will keep pushing until it’s slapped down.

Don’t feel bad about judging the latest political figure who seems culty, or yet another person wit a lot of mystical diagrams explaining 5D Ascention Starseeds.  It’s a good defensive maneuver, because too many of these people seem to be evil or turn pretty evil.

Besides, the people you’ll find are truly trying to help you?  You probably won’t consider them gurus anyway . . .

. . . unless you’ve fallen into the clutches of some hateful person who has your number.

Something to consider. Just in case.

Unto Arcadia: A Living Future

In 2023 I encountered the Hexorian movement.  If you’re not familiar with it (and you may not be) it’s from the freeform “Chaos” magic school, focusing on the idea of a god of cities, Hexorius.  A diety of the undercurrents and foundations, Hexorius had a powerful effect on those involved in the movement – suggesting not something created but something deeper and primal.

I took to these ideas because it’s apparent that cities are living things, and because of my own interest in genius loci.  However, the Hexorians also followed other dieties, other faces of Hexorius or a Power behind all of them.  One was Valdas, the god that took on those who explored the city, but most fascinating to me was Arcadia.

Arcadia was a deity or ideal of a City To Be.  A sorcerous solarpunk future, where man, magic, and nature were in balance, a place for everyone.  She was a roadmap, a goal – and a goddess at the same time.  A living future.

Though Hexorian magic and practices appealed to me based on previous experience, this issue resonated hard with me, and I wanted to explore what it says here.

Utopian dreams are nothing new to humanity – nor is their failure.  Someone is always trying to build a utopia, and someone always has a plan, hoping to build a bright future on failed ones.  In some cases, utopia seems to involve getting rid of a lot of people who don’t fit the blueprint.  Other ideas of utopia live only as abstract plans, turning into something else when released into reality.

The idea of Arcadia a future regarded as alive, an idea I approve of as noted in my other writings.  Arcadia isn’t a blueprint or an outline, but a goal of a future that was organic, balanced, a living thing, a god.  It’s something you form a relationship with, not follow a checklist.

Be our practices mystical or not, the idea that the future is alive is critical to our own survival.  We’re not going to hammer the future we want into place – the world and all in it are alive and complex, and nothing we do will change that.*  We have to form a relationship with the future in order to have the one we want – or have one at all.

The future has to be treated as a living thing just to acknowledge the sheer size of it all and how connected it is to everything.  To think of it in mechanical ways is to miss this.

It’s not much of a leap to regard the future as a god.  Perhaps, from a mystical point of view, a very rational approach.  As I note – again and a gain – I find the idea of a god to be useful if nothing else.  The universe is big and compex.

(Of course, in this interlinked world, it’s not that hard to imagine a future as literally alive, manifesting through us.)

Thus in my daily observations, I sometimes close by saying “Unto Arcadia.”  A way to acknowledge the living future we can aim for.  Because our future, no matter how you think of it, will be like a living thing.

In fact, if we don’t recognize an organic future, we might not have one.  Arcadia may be our only choice.

Unto Arcadia.

– Xenofact

* Well, if humanity wipes itself and all life on Earth out we might change it.  But that’s not a future of survival for us.

For some Hexorian resources please refer to:

  • – The web page of the originators of Hexorian work, the DKMU.
  • #OpGrimoire – A grimoire of Hexorian work, containing some of the resources on the DKMU website.

You’re So Lucky You’re Not Special

You’re not the reincarnation of some famous historical figure.

You didn’t have a past life in non-existent Atlantis

You’re not a genetically engineered time-traveling super-soldier created to explore space and fight aliens.

You’re not a super-assassin secretly trained by the US government.

You’re not an alien Starseed here to save Earth.

You’re not touched by a bunch of suspiciously white-looking so-called “Ascended Masters” to Awaken Humanity.*

You’re none of those things.  Those things are just bullshit made up or hijacked by grifters to sell to you.  Their goal is to make you feel special by selling you a story that at best has a bare echo of truth, and at worse is made of whole cloth.  The internet has made this somehow worse.

The thing is the grifters, the opportunists, and their legions of followers are trying to sell you that you’re special just like them.  They sell a story of specialness you can all participate in, but not only is it a grift, it’s the same kind of specialness for all.  They’re not only deceiving you (and possibly themselves), but it’s not really specialness.

To make it somehow worse this kind of recycled bullshit and telephone-operator-con-games covers up the real wonders and horrors of reality.  It sells you a blueprint for destiny you can plug your own imagination into while you plug in your credit card number to buy yet another book.  It doesn’t encourage you to open your mind let alone your eyes or Third Eye, it just keeps feeding you more of the same.

You’re not special, not in their way.  What you are is unique because you’re you.  Whatever the gods, powers, destiny, or random chance has for you it’s yours.  You may well have been touched by supernatural forces or great opportunity or just plain luck, but it’s not going to be in any form that comfortably fits into a $199 two-hour online seminar.

And that’s great!  You get to choose how you deal with whatever kind of uniqueness you have.  Maybe you aren’t even that unique so you get even more choice and far less social pressure.

And who wants to be part of some great destiny or plan anyway?  Maybe you have your own ideas, your own life to lead, and you don’t need the pressure.  Take it from a professional Project Manager, a lot of plans fail or go off the rails anyway!

Go be the unique you.  That’s one destiny you can fulfill better than anyone.

– Xenofact

* SubGeniuses like myself DO have Yeti blood, but at this rate so does everyone else.  Also we’re just weirdos.  We’re more weird than special.