Madness Isn’t The Measure

It seems that there’s always some book or movie or secret that people tease will “drive you mad.” There are mystical tomes that will supposedly melt your mind – as of this writing I’ve seen this applied to Enochian lately. I’ve witnessed people claiming that there’s secret footage of dark practices that will drive you mad – for some reason, this usually involves Hillary Clinton. I suppose if I wrote a book called “The Enochian Secrets of Hillary Clinton” I’d reach a lucrative audience I’d never want to meet.

“It will drive you mad,” is a strange way to promote something. No advertiser will approve ad copy that reads “This Macaroni and Cheese will give you anxiety!” I’ve never had a commercial tell me “Now you can get the socks that will cause depression.” Mental breakdowns are a peculiar way to get someone’s interest.

I know of course that the “pitch” here is that these secrets someone can reveal (usually at a price) are so reality shattering that your weak little mind will break. Off the bat, doesn’t that feel like the secret-holder hints that they’re stronger than the rest of us. Oh it might not be intentional, but it’s there, an annoying sense of bragging should lead to mistrust immediately.

Also, someone tells you that this book or film will drive you mad, doesn’t that also mean that whoever wishes to share the mystery is bad at it? Look, if you’re really desperate to reveal great secrets from under the skin of reality, maybe do it in a way we can handle it? Sure if the knowledge has already driven you around the bend, maybe you have an excuse to create spirit-shattering books and plays. Otherwise, take a communications course or something, mister or missus Holder Of Hidden Knowledge.

All of the above, of course, is me being sarcastically charitable that people claiming madness-inducing knowledge actually know anything.

You don’t need to reveal Shattering Truths to drive people insane – you can use complete and utter bullshit. Many, many people go down absolute rabbit holes of conspiracy theories or fake occult texts, or con games and lose their minds. You can create little worlds of words and images and insinuations that people will happily become trapped in to the detriment of their sanity. You can even do this by accident, as I’m sure we’ve all witnessed courtesy of social media.

People don’t need revelations to go mad, just something to obsess over and some points to connect. When someone claims ruinous knowledge, you can guess what I assume it is.

So no, telling me something “can lead to madness” doesn’t impress me. Yes, it is a warning, it’s just not a warning about threats to my mental health. It’s a warning of arrogance, of bullshit, of a scam, and at best something that’s just an elaborate puzzle with no solution.

Warning “this secret will drive you mad” is a warning about bullshit. Which may make me mad, but more in the pissed off way than the mental breakdown way.


I Trust The Clowns

In the realm of mystics and philosophy I often hear talk about outrageous behavior by (supposedly) wise and enlightened people. You’ve probably heard stories about figures that ignore and act against social norms, at times outrageously, despite their supposed spiritual nature. In many cases, such strange or even abusive behavior is supposedly a lesson from someone more enlightened than the person their being strange or abusive to.

I usually hear this called “Crazy Wisdom,” that I think entered the American spiritual lexicon via Buddhist practitioner Chögyam Trungpa. Trungpa also has a documented history of rape, abuse, and other allegations so I rightfully figure I have no reason to listen to the bastard.

And why should I trust someone claiming they are “enlightened” and thus “beyond it all” so “they can teach me?” If they’re going to be cruel and abusive, it’s far easier to just assume they’re an asshole and save yourself the trouble. If you’ve got great cosmic wisdom to share and then give me every reason to call the authorities, then you don’t have anything to teach me.

“Crazy Wisdom” certainly sounds like an excuse to abuse people.

So nope, I don’t trust Crazy Wisdom I’m-So-Enlightened types. Know who I do trust spiritually? Clowns.

Give me people who can make fun of themselves and the human condition. Give me people who wittily point out the problems in the world, the obvious solutions, and the sadly hilarious gaps between them. Give me someone who makes me laugh at them and myself, often for the same reasons. Let me laugh at you and with you.

Best of all, we can all be Clowns – we can be stupid, silly, wacky, and poke fun at everything including ourselves. When a person of spiritual wisdom is a clown, they’re right there with me, being foolish alongside me. I can relate to them – sometimes by accident.

I don’t trust Crazy Wisdom. I trust someone who I can laugh with. They can teach me something with a trustworthy foolishness.
